2022 Prize Winner

René Venendaal
Former CEO BTG Biomass Technology Group b.v.,The Netherlands
René Venendaal is entrepreneur & pioneer in bioenergy, biofuels & biobased economy. Specialties: new business development & innovation, scenario development, policy development & implementation Mr. Venendall is a pioneer in the biomass fast pyrolysis technology. He started from early research till he was able to bring the technology into commercialization. Starting with a small SME and bringing a technology to the market is a real achievement.
Short biography
CEO BTG Biomass Technology Group Co-chair ETIP BioEnergy Co-chair SET Plan - IWG 8 Chair Cluster Biomass Feedstocks and Sustainable Energy (NL) Vice-chair BioEnergy - Dutch Association for Renewable Energy Chair Greenhouses Koekoekspolder Energy and CO2-neutral 2030 Co-founder and member European Advanced Biofuels Coalition (LSB).